Sunday, March 18, 2007

Good News and Bad News

OK First the GOOD NEWS. I came out of my semi-retirement in blogging and I yam back. BAD NEWS. I didn't bring my camera coz the CCD was defective. Could hardly take any pictures. But anyway... got meself a better camera phone so hopefully gonna get better pics...

Actually have been here for 2 weeks already. But the first week kinda wasted with jet lag and the 2nd week spend recovering from the 3in1 i got... fever, cough and cold (mebbe withdrawal symptom from the glorious CNY food I indulged in... haha...). So actually still feeling under the weather but well enough to do some jalan-jalan this weekend. This is my ride for the past 2 weeks. First time driving a Beemer. It's a 320D, diesel powered and has 6 gears. The pickup is super cekap man...

All right, this weekend took juz a short trip to Portsmouth town, where the famous or infamous Spinnaker Tower is. It was supposed to be completed in 1999 in time for Milennium celebrations, but only managed to be completed in 2005... with delays and cost overruns (sounds familiar eh!). It's 170m in height and supposed to be the 2nd tallest tower in the UK which is accesible by the public. (I didn't take the trip up... coz... hehe.. I got vertigo.... ya know... scared of heights?... =P). It's located in a newly developed area called Gun Wharf Quays, combining shopping areas, bars & restaurants, and also a Harbour. There's also a nearby Historic Naval Dockyard. (more on this in another post.). Manage to also catch a public performance of "The jive Aces", basically a jive and swing band and plays really good music. Enjoyed their performance with some members of the public taking the opportunity to dance in front.... I believe if any Malaysian aunties were there they would start line dancing... hahaha

Spinnaker Tower

Shopping in Gunwharf quays

The Harbour @ Gunwharf Quays

The Jive Aces public performance... double bass, trumpet, saxophone... coolness...

Fountain of Belgian Chocolate... 2 pounds for a shot!

All rights... gonna end with this fountain of chocolate pic... I need to get one and put in my house!!!... free flow of belgian chocolate... wooohooo... priceless....


Anonymous said...

Wow, which camera phone are you using? The pictures look good

Anonymous said...

Using SE K800i...

Anonymous said...

Hi ben.....