I've got a confession to make... I've indulged in some vice back in the UK... and had a whooping good time :P. hahaha. Anyway it all started when my department decided to have some timeout to chill so they decided to head over to the races... and it's the Portsmouth Greyhound Stadium. Check out the website here. Actually whenever we head over to Portsmouth Town we saw this huge sign but none of us ventured in before. So they had a group discount for all of us plus food, drinks and... a betting ticket.
The Portsmouth Greyhound Stadium
In total there's about 12 or 15 races per day. So being the jakun's that we were... we started betting on the first race itself. My "wise" strategy was simple... 1st race - take dog number 1, 1nd race - take dog number 2 and so on... so happily placed my bet (2 quid!) on dog 1 for the 1st race...
My 1st race dog!
So what happen is they'll put a mechanical hare running around the circuit and the dogs will juz go after it like crazy... so for the first race... waiting in excited anticipation... 3...2...1... and off they go... my dog was leading!... I'm screaming my head off... then... came to the first corner... alamak kena nudge by the other side dog... terbabas... the dog tergolek golek... got up again and ran... but left behind oledi... so there goes my strategy...Others have a different strategy... pick the dog that crap the last... in theory it should be the lightest... :P... well work for some dogs... but not for all haha..
The crapping dogs...
So basically spend the whole nite chit chatting, placing bets, eating and kinda wind down from stuff... cool... all in all.. I didn't make a loss... but a gain of 3 quid... :P... enough for a sandwich in the afternoon hahaha...
The dogs prancing away
Yups... so just a short update... should be the last on UK... dun wanna bore u guys with things there... so cheerios...
p/s - Heh wonder whether pastor will find out... :D