Saturday, August 11, 2007

Conversation with my niece...

My niece Leanne is over here, since my sis and bro-in-law is in Australia trying to get things prepared to move over... so during weekends I'll layan her a bit la... so one of the conversation with my niece...

Me: mummy drive what?
Leanne: Cucuki witawa (suzuki vitara)
Me: daddy drive what?
Leanne: Pewodua Mywi (Perodua Myvi)
Me: Akoo Ben drive what?
Leanne: Nisan laso (Nissan Latio)
Me: U like akoo Ben's car?
Leanne: Nooo...
Me: U like mummy and daddy's car?
Leanne: Nooo...
Me: Then u like what car?
Leanne: "meng" car... ("meng" is mickey mouse)
Me: you can drive ar?
Leanne: caaaaannnnnn...
Me: You got no driving license... Where you want to get your license?
Leanne: Ikano..
Me: ???

Since when did Ikano issue driving license for 2 year olds??... hahaha... Anyway some pics below on her antics...

Watering plants with her bottle :P

The maid at home

Playing at the Tesco playground... RM3 for 3o minutes!... what a ripoff...

She likes playing "masak-masak" in the toy house... ;)

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