I discovered something new today! and you should try this when it happens to you. :P. GOt up about 430am this morning with my nose kinda blocked with mucus. Blowed as hard as I can but whe lie down it keeps blocking... and I was darn sleepy.
So juz flashed in my mind why not juz let gravity "unblock" the nose. So this is what i did:
The art of unblocking the nose
I actually thought of juz sitting up and let it out, but once i lean my head against the wall I literally doze of for a few minutes, till my head lost it's balance and I nearly drop off... haha.... and guess what... the nose cleared!... woohooooo...
Anyone done or experienced this before? If not I would like to patent this cure... muahaha
I'm gonna try this coz I always get nose blocks at night :D
Haha good on ya mate... pretty much a nice summer in UK for u to get a runny nose... :P
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