Friday, July 25, 2008


Yups that was what I really felt. I was working on some machines and was a little careless. There's this huge thing which we call the "handler" capable of pulling through abt 100kg of weight... it was moving back towards the "home" position... and yups I was right there working on some stuff... by the time my colleague shouted for me to move away but I was already being slowly squeezed by it... I was trying to force it back but of course... man against machine... Thank God for quick thinking by my friend, she quickly activated the emergency button... so the aftermath was... this:

Yups some lacerations marks through the skin, the skin sort got "teared" off... so feels pretty raw at the moment... and mind you... those marks are made THROUGH the t-shirt, some scratches on the legs and other parts too...

I'm quite OK though... but my colleague was quite traumatized, she didn't want to touch the machine at all afterwards and told hme she dreamt abt the machine at nite! haha...

Anyway conversation with my mum when I was back:

Mum: What happen?

Me: Oh just some small incident when i was working on the machine...

(Quiet for a while...)

Mum: YOU WORK WITHOUT BAJU (clothes) AR??????

Me:Haha... Nola... just some scratches made through the t-shirt...

Mum: So the t-shirt gone la??

Me: Nola... still ok can use...

Hehe... that's all for now... :D

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