Yups... I was there... and sorry no pics were taken as I didn't bring my camera. As no flash photography is allowed, I thought I would have needed a tripod to hold it still for long exposure. Figured out if I paid RM150 for it better enjoy it than making a nuisance of myself... :P.
I thought it was quite a good production! Let me start with the negative side first... I was sitting on the top level which is pretty far from the stage. I didn't like that as I can't see the details of the characters and costume. To really enjoy a musical it not only covers music and vocals but character expression and environment details should be enjoyed too!. Oh well, the bottom row tickets and front row are all 250 and above. Don't think I would spent that much for 2 persons!
I also thought the music/vocals were out of depth. There was obvious differences in recorded sounds (effects, etc.) and orchestra/vocals with the effects being much louder. I thought it should be more balanced. But then again most probably it's due to sitting at the top where the music was not really focused.
Lumiere and Belle with Wardrobe and Cogsworth slightly hidden, the rest are part of the enchanted objects - Pic by The Star
Besides that there were some minor timing issues with the backdrop and sets but as you can see, mainly I've juz got gripes with seating on a cheap ticket :P
The Beast - Pic by The Star
Mainly if you have the time... go catch it. It's not to be missed. It's a good start to watching a musical (other than the teeny High School Musical... :P)... rather than starting straight with Phantom Of The Opera which some of us might not understand... It was entertaining... vocal and orchestra performance was quite good, if they could iron out some of the timing quirks and sound issues I thought it would have been spectacular.