Monday, September 08, 2008

Australia: Stradbroke Island

Stradbroke Island is a pretty island located about 30km from Brisbane. We didn't know what's really there, the only exception being that it is known to be a place where you can keep a lookout for whales and dolphins... and oh can have BBQ there too ;). The only access to the island was through a ferry, so we boarded the "Big Red Cat" and it takes about an hour to reach over Dunwich, the main settlement of north Stradbroke Island.

Boarding the Big Red Cat Ferry

Cafeteria within the Ferry...

On the ferry with my sis, put this pic coz it;s the oni time I'm with a "punk" hairstyle :P

Anyway once over at the island we started driving around and came over to Amity Point first. nothing much here accept a jetty, a playground and some fishing spots.

Pelicans lining up at Amity Point

Leanne's I-dun-want-to-talk-to-you-face... :P

We stopped by at a few spots on the beach before heading towards the main attraction which is Point Lookout. It was nice and breathtaking views along the trail, spotted a number of dolphins frolicking around and also a couple of whales breaching and swimming around.

The Main Beach of North Stradbroke Island

Views along Point Lookout

After spending about an hour walking around we spotted a BBQ pit and stopped for lunch. That's where i had the first taste of kangaroo meat... I would say it taste close to beef, slightly softer texture and ermmmmm I still prefer lamb :P.

BBQ Chicken and Kangaroo!


Afterwards we drove around and come across this place called Blue Lake. It posted a sign saying the trail is about 12km (I think)... David and I contemplated whether should we take the hike... as they say... curiosity kills the cat... 2 guys-stuffed-with-chicken-and kangaroo decided to take the hike there. and I'm pretty sure it's not 12KM!... we hiked through wooded areas.. and upon reaching the lake... it wasn't as 'blue' as we thought... it was so disappointing that I think better not to post pics of the lake! haha.

The walk through the woods...

Anyway about 3pm we headed back to catch the ferry back and had a nice good vietnamese meal before heading home...

Bye bye Stradbroke...


rachellmc said...

awesome scenes!

Joygerm said...

Yups it's a real pretty place... I do quite like Brisbane actually! haha nice access to all these places..